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samedi 23 novembre 2013

English remembrering while October

strive /ˈstraɪv/ verb [no object]
inflected forms: strives; strove /ˈstroʊv/ also strived; striven /ˈstraɪvən/ or strived; striving
Status: formal
to try very hard to do or achieve something
• We must all strive to do better.
• She always strives for perfection.
• They strove for success. = They strove to succeed.
• They continue to strivetoward their goals.
• striving against injustice [=working hard to fight injustice]
— striver /ˈstraɪvɚ/ noun, plural strivers [count]

ambition  /æmˈbɪʃən/ noun plural ambitions 
1 [count] : a particular goal or aim : something that a person hopes to do or achieve 
• My first ambition as a child was to be in the circus. 
• The wife of a famous poet, she had literary ambitions of her own. [=she wanted to be a writer too] 
• He has ambitions for an acting career. 
= He has ambitions to become an actor. = His ambition is to be/become an actor. 
• She finally achieved/realized/fulfilled her life’s ambition 
[=the thing she most wanted to do in her life] when she started her own business
2 [noncount] : a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous 
• He lacked ambition and couldn’t compete with the others. 
• With her talent and fierce ambition [=her very strong desire to succeed], she became a very successful actress.
3 [noncount] US : a desire to do things and be active 
— usually used in negative constructions 
• I was tired and had no ambition 
[=initiative, energy], so I just spent the whole weekend watching TV. 

campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/ noun [count]
plural campaigns
1 : a series of activities designed to produce a particular result
• an election campaign [=a campaign to win a political election]
• a presidential campaign
• The group launched/mounted/led a campaign to protect the area from commercial development.
• the campaign against drugs
• an expensive advertising campaign
• The university is organizing a campaign to attract a more diverse student population.
— often used before another noun
• campaign contributions
• She kept/broke her campaign promises.
• a campaign slogan
2 : a series of military battles, attacks, etc., designed to produce a particular result in a war 
• a bombing campaign
Learn about campaign as a verb.

endorse /ɪnˈdoɚs/ verb [with object]
Variant spelling: indorse
inflected forms: endorses; endorsed; endorsing
1 : to publicly or officially say that you support or approve of (someone or something) 
• The newspaper has endorsed the conservative candidate for mayor.
• The committee must endorse[=approve] the decision.
• We do not endorse their position.
2 : to publicly say that you like or use (a product or service) in exchange for money 
• She endorses a line of clothing.
• That brand of sneaker is endorsed by several basketball stars.
3 : to write your name on the back of (a check) 
• You must endorse the check before you deposit it in the bank.
4 British : to put information about a driving offense on (a person’s driver’s license) 
— usually used as (be) endorsed
• His driving license was endorsed for speeding.
— endorser noun, plural endorsers [count]

formation /foɚˈmeɪʃən/ noun
plural formations

1 [noncount] : the act of forming or creating something 

• theformation [=development] of new ideas
 • The book explains theformation of the planets.
2 [count] : something that is formed or created 

• an interesting cloud formation 
• new word formations 
• rock formations
3 : an orderly arrangement or group of people, ships, or airplanes 

— often used after in [noncount] 
• The soldiers were marching information. 
• jets flying in formation [count] 
• The team ran on the field and lined up in a punt formation

ward /ˈwoɚd/ noun [count]
plural wards

1 a : a section in a hospital for patients needing a particular kind of care 
• She works in the cancer/maternity/psychiatric ward.
1 b US : a section in a prison 
• a maximum security ward
2: one of the sections into which a city or town is divided for the purposes of an election 
• the council representative from Ward 22
3 : a person (such as a child) who is protected and cared for by a court or guardian 
• They were wards of the state. 
• (US) The boy was made a ward of the court. 
= (British) The boy was made a ward of court.
Learn about ward as a verb.

a matter of life and death idiom
something that is extremely important and often involves decisions that will determine whether someone lives or dies 
• Being prepared for severe weather can be a matter of life and death.

confront /kənˈfrʌnt/ verb [with object]
inflected forms: confronts; confronted; confronting1 a 

1a : to oppose or challenge (someone) especially in a direct and forceful way 
• They confronted the invaders at the shore. 
— often used as (be) confronted 
• He was confronted by a security guard when he tried to leave the store. 
• The mayor was confronted by a group of angry protestors.
1 b : to directly question the action or authority of (someone) 

• She confronted him about his smoking. 
• No one was willing to confront [=challenge] the company president on that point.
2 a : to deal with (something, such as a problem or danger) 

• They confronted [=(more commonly) encountered] many obstacles along the way.; especially : to deal with (something) in an honest and direct way 
• The treatment center helps people confront [=face] their addictions. 
• It’s better to confront [=address] a problem than to avoid it.
2 b : to force (someone) to see or deal with (something, such as a problem) in a direct way 

• The photographs confront the viewer with images of desperate poverty. 
• I confronted her with the evidence. — often used as (be) confronted 
• They were confronted with many problems during the project.
2 c : to be a problem for (someone or something) 

• We know of the financial problems confronting [=facing] local schools.

fray /ˈfreɪ/ verb
inflected forms: frays; frayed; fraying

to cause (a cloth or other material) to become worn down at the end or edge
to separate the threads of (a material) [with object] 
• She frayed the edges of her cutoff jeans. 
= She frayed her cutoff jeans at the edges. [no object] 
• The cuffs of the old shirt were fraying. 
— often used figuratively 
• Her temper was starting to fray.[=she was beginning to get angry] 
• His nerves were frayed/fraying. 
• their frayed/fraying friendship
Learn about fray as a noun.

remnant /ˈrɛmnənt/ noun [count]
plural remnants

1 : the part of something that is left when the other parts are gone 

— usually plural; often followed by of 
• These villages are the last surviving remnants of a great civilization. 
• A new police force was formed from the remnants of the army.
2 : a small piece of cloth that is left after the rest of the cloth has been sold 

• Remnants go on sale next week. 

minimal /ˈmɪnəməl/ adjective
comparative and superlative forms: more minimal; most minimal
very small or slight in size or amount

• The storm caused minimal damage. 
• The costs were minimal. 
• areas at minimal risk for flooding 
• They made the repairs with minimal disruption 
[=with the least possible disruption] to the schedule.
— minimally adverb 

• a minimally adequate supply 
• a minimally useful tool

inkling /ˈɪŋklɪŋ/ noun [count]
plural inklings

a slight, uncertain idea about something :
a slight amount of knowledge about something — usually singular
• I didn’t have an inkling [=clue] of what it all meant.
• Nothing gave me any inkling that it would happen.

no-brainer /ˈnoʊˈbreɪnɚ/ noun [count]plural no-brainers
Status: informal

a decision or choice that is very easy to make and requires very little thought 
• The offer of a full scholarship made his choice of colleges a no-brainer. 

to die for 

Status: informal
worth dying for : extremely desirable or appealing 
• Dinner was nothing special, but the dessert was to die for. 
• The apartment has a view to die for. [=has a great view]

legitimate /lɪˈʤɪtəmət/ adjective
1 a : allowed according to rules or laws
• a legitimate [=legal, lawful] heir/government/business
• legitimate means for achieving success
• the legitimate use of firearms
1 b : real, accepted, or official
• It’s not clear that the letter is legitimate [=genuine]; it may be a forgery. 
2 [more legitimate; most legitimate] : fair or reasonable
• We think her concern/excuse is legitimate. = We think she has a legitimate concern/excuse. • There’s no legitimate reason for prescribing this medication to a child.
• His claim is legitimate.

3 : born to a father and mother who are married
• legitimate children
— legitimacy /lɪˈʤɪtəməsi/ noun [noncount]
• Many question the legitimacy of the law.
— legitimately adverb
• We earned the money legitimately. [=legally]
• He can legitimately [=rightfully] claim to be the best athlete in his class.
Learn about legitimate as a verb.

validity /vəˈlɪdəti/ noun [noncount]
1 : the state of being acceptable according to the law : the state of being valid
• The validity of the contract/document is being questioned.
2 : the quality of being real or correct
• Scientists questioned the validity of the findings.

profound /prəˈfaʊnd/ adjective
comparative and superlative forms: more profound; most profound

1 a : having or showing great knowledge or understanding 
• aprofound thinker 
• His knowledge of history is profound. 
• Her books offer profound insights into the true nature of courage.
1 b : difficult to understand : requiring deep thought or wisdom 

• the profound mysteries of outer space 
• profound questions
2 a : very strongly felt 

• profound sorrow 
• a profound sense of loss
2 b : very great 

• Computer technology has made profound[=major, significant] changes in our lives. 
• His paintings have had a profound effect/impact/influence on her own work.
3 somewhat formal : absolute or complete 

• a profoundsilence/sleep/deafness
— profoundly adverb 

• She was influenced profoundly by his art. 
• The discovery is profoundly important. 
• Their beliefs areprofoundly different. 
• profoundly deaf people

groundbreaking  /ˈgraʊndˌbreɪkɪŋ/ adjective
comparative and superlative forms: more groundbreaking; most groundbreaking
introducing new ideas or methods 

• She was honored for her groundbreaking work in nuclear physics. 
• a groundbreaking new book

 overall /ˌoʊvɚˈɑ:l/ adverb
1 : with everyone or everything included • He scored highest overall. • She figured out what it would cost overall. [=altogether]
2 : as a whole : in general • He made a few mistakes but did well overall. • Overall, the project was successful.
Learn about overall as an adjective and as a noun.

no-brainer /ˈnoʊˈbreɪnɚ/ noun [count]
plural no-brainers
Status: informal 

a decision or choice that is very easy to make and requires very little thought 
• The offer of a full scholarship made his choice of colleges a no-brainer.

dead in the water idiom

Status: informal
not making any progress : not having any chance of success 
• The peace talks were dead in the water. 
• His election campaign is dead in the water.

slim     /ˈslɪm/   adjective

comparative and superlative forms: slimmer; slimmest also more slim; most slim

1 : thin in an attractive way • She looked slim and fit for her age. • He has a slim build. • I was a lot slimmer in those days.
2 : small in amount, size, or degree • a slim majority • They have only a slim chance of winning. • "What are their chances of winning?" "Slim to none." [=they have almost no chance of winning]
slimly adverb [more slimly; most slimly] • He was tall and slimly built.
slimness noun [noncount]
Learn about slim as a verb.

exempt  /ɪgˈzɛmpt/   adjective

not required to do something that others are required to do — usually followed by from • He was exempt from military service. • She was exempt from physical education requirements because of her health problems.
 Learn about exempt as a verb. 
mechanism     /ˈmɛkəˌnɪzəm/   noun [count]

plural mechanisms


1 : a piece of machinery : a mechanical part or group of parts having a particular function • The camera’s shutter mechanism is broken. • a timing/locking mechanism
2 : a process or system that is used to produce a particular result • Scientists are studying the body’s mechanisms for controlling weight. • There is no mechanism in place for enforcing the new law. • a legal mechanism to prevent lobbyists from exerting unfair influence
3 : a way of acting, thinking, or behaving that helps or protects a person in a specified way • a coping/survival mechanism • psychological mechanisms for dealing with a tragic loss

startle    /ˈstɑɚtl̟/   verb

inflected forms: startles; startled; startling

1 [with object] : to surprise or frighten (someone) suddenly and usually not seriously • The noise startled me. • I'm sorry that I startled you. — often used as (be) startled • I was startled by the noise. • He was startled to discover he knew the answer. • She was startled into wakefulness by a loud noise.
2 [no object] : to move or jump suddenly because something surprises you or frightens you • The cat startles easily.


horrify /ˈhorəˌfaɪ/ verb [with object]
inflected forms: horrifies; horrified; horrifying

to cause (someone) to feel horror or shock :
to greatly upset and shock (someone)
• The details of the crime horrified the nation.
• They were horrified by/at the movie's violence.

— horrified adjective [more horrified; most horrified]
• He was horrified to realize that his comments had been overheard.
• She had a horrified look on her face.
— horrifying adjective [more horrifying; most horrifying]
• a horrifying experience

— horrifyingly adverb
• a horrifyingly brutal crime


blur /ˈblɚ/ verb
inflected forms: blurs; blurred; blurring
1 [with object] : to make (something) unclear or difficult to see or remember
• a technique that blurs the edges of the image [=makes the edges of the image less sharp]
• The tears in my eyes blurred the words on the page.
• His novel is based on historical occurrences but it blurs the line/distinction between fact and fiction.

2 [no object] : to become unclear or difficult to see or remember
• I was so tired that my vision/eyes started to blur. [=I was not able to see clearly]
• The two events have blurred together in my mind.
— blurred adjective [more blurred; most blurred]
• The writing is blurred [=blurry] but I think I can read it.
• The patient's symptoms include blurred vision.
• a blurred memory

Learn about blur as a noun.

a nail in the coffin idiom
something that makes it more likely that someone or something will fail, be destroyed, etc.
• Every mistake is one more nail in the coffin of his professional baseball career.
• The lawyers put another nail in her coffin today.


exaggerate /ɪgˈzæʤəˌreɪt/ verb
inflected forms: exaggerates; exaggerated; exaggerating
1 : to think of or describe something as larger or greater than it really is [with object]
• The book exaggerates the difficulties he faced in starting his career.
• It’s impossible to exaggerate the importance of this discovery. [no object]
• He tends to exaggerate when talking about his accomplishments.

2 [with object] : to make (something) larger or greater than normal
• He exaggerated his movements so we could see them more clearly.
— exaggerated adjective [more exaggerated; most exaggerated]
• He has a very/greatly exaggerated idea of his own importance.
• a very exaggerated gesture
— exaggeratedly adverb [more exaggeratedly; most exaggeratedly]
• an exaggeratedly large gesture
— exaggeration /ɪgˌzæʤəˈreɪʃən/ noun, plural exaggerations [count]
• The report was filled with exaggerations and outright lies. [noncount]
• She told us what happened without exaggeration. [=without exaggerating]
— exaggerator /ɪgˈzæʤəˌreɪtɚ/ noun, plural exaggerators [count]
• He’s an exaggerator, if not an outright liar.


parody     /ˈperədi/   noun

plural parodies


1 : a piece of writing, music, etc., that imitates the style of someone or something else in an amusing way [count] • a political parody • He has a talent for writing parodies. — often followed by of • The book was written as a parody of Henry James’s style. • a parody of a soap opera [noncount] • a writer with a talent for parody
2 [count] disapproving : a bad or unfair example of something — often followed by of • The trial was a parody of justice. [=the trial was very unfair]

Learn about parody as a verb.


creepy /ˈkri:pi/ adjective
comparative and superlative forms: creepier; creepiest or more creepy; most creepy
Status: informal
strange or scary : causing people to feel nervous and afraid
• a creepy movie
• a creepy old house
• There’s something creepy about that guy.
— creepily /ˈkri:pəli/ adverb
— creepiness noun [noncount]

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